Have we had our tea? Have you had your coffee? In the midst of it all it becomess puzzling to know. How to again find her before me and never let go the all ecompasing essence of her self. Crowded town and winded walkways thru corridors and cobble brick places breezes befuddle us with glances glares and caress. And how do we deny what we must? Know thyself and one knows three and I see fives EVERYWHERE. Are you able to simply rise thru the air and perpetuate your craft as art in the tapistry of the unending script. Although nature is human is human nature and are we intwined and encoded with what one wishes for his students to understand.Perpetuate your art. Perpetuate our understanding. Perpetuate the essence of the future from now. Who do you see three hundread and two years from today?....
Good luck