Who Are The UK Family Vlog?
We are the Kilgariff Family from Stoke on Trent in the UK. We have been uploading on YouTube since August 2014, since recording daily our family has grown, as well as capturing the good and the bad moments.
We are Dave (Dad), Emma (Mum), Liam (16), Ryan (11), Sophie (7), Isla (4), Darci (1), also Toby The Dog and Poppy The Cat will make the odd appearance during the vlogs.
Hope you enjoy watching the glimpse into the fun and laughter of our sometimes crazy family life.
Connect with our Family:
Mailing Address:
Kilgariff Family
Unit L6
Storage King
The Railway Exchange
Weston Road
Craft Shop: www.facebook.co.uk/Emma’s Little Craft Shop
Our Channels:
UK Family Vlog
That Happened -youtube.com/channel/UCVvJ...
UKFV Gaming - youtube.com/channel/UCTn2...