The word ''AYA'' in Japanese means the colorful design.
We want to expand our art form with editing in the company of someone who really keep us, and we do appreciate the effort!
1st MEP - Kiss MEP
2nd MEP- Inside Of You MEP
1st Audition - [25 Jan. - 25 Feb.]
3rd MEP - She Can Get It MEP
4th MEP - Lift Me Up MEP
5th MEP Collaboration - What The Fuck? MEP
1st Contest - [9 July - 24 Aug.]
6th MEP - Dirty Mind MEP
7th MEP- Paparazzi MEP
8th MEP- Mueve La Colita MEP
9th MEP- Christmas MEP
10th MEP Collaboration - Feel the Party Bass MEP
11th MEP - This Kiss MEP
12th MEP - All the Words MEP (Drama&TvSeries/Movie)
13th MEP - She Will Be Loved MEP
2nd Audition - [16th June - 16th July]
14th MEP -
15tm MEP -
•Official BG and Icon maker: Catmomochan.
•For any questions ask by PM or Comment.
•Request for affilation contact Leader.