Hello and welcome to my YouTube Channel! Thank you for taking a look at some of the music and choreography I love and helped to get me fit. My weight and health have fluctuated up and down for years (currently up), but through Zumbaยฎ fitness and then other formats, I was able to get to a place I had not been since I was 17 years old (currently 39 - and yeah, I feel it). Group and dance fitness have allowed me to get myself healthy, happy, meet some incredible people both as instructors and as students, and to change lives. It makes all of the stress of holding a fitness job along with a day job, pull my hair out over choreography, get some swift kicks to the ego and just be plain burnt out worth it. A smile, a thank you, I can fit in my thin pants and I feel good about myself worth every bit of hard work on my end. Thank you for the opportunity to be an instructor, to share what I have learned, to have an outlet for my creativity (be it good or bad), and for the friendship!