Katherine Henry is a Constitutional Attorney & founder of Restore Freedom. She's a homeschooling mom, business owner & proud American. A fierce advocate for truth & the Rule of Law for 20+ years, she defends our Constitutionally-protected, God-given liberties & our government Of The People, By The People & For The People. She's devoted to educating the public on the Constitution & the law, holding government officials accountable for violating their Constitutional Oaths of Office, and empowering everyday people to make a difference. She’s spoken on the Constitution at hundreds of events, hosts a website full of freedom fighting resources & educational videos, launched a weekly Constitution podcast & newsletter, and created a Constitution app for Apple & Android. From drafting a state constitutional amendment to arguing in the Michigan Supreme Court against Lockdown Orders, Katherine has been fighting to Restore our Freedom since day one. Her motto: More Freedom, Less Government!