We are the Popov family.
In our family: dad, mom + 11 children.
We are Christians.
We also have the Order of Parental Glory.
We want to share about the life of a large family and what we have in our hearts.
Not everyone understands that large families are great, so we want to share with regard to a large family: how we live, what we do, what we do, where and how we work, share some useful tips and just what we have.
Our goal is to show the value of a large family.
We live, develop, learn, learn new things, do not stop there, so everything in our life changes for the better.
We believe in God and what is written in the Bible, and we want to show that faith in God is not a religion, but a way of life and an abundant life.
A family is a whole universe, where each person is a whole world, where everyone is unique and special, and this world can exist only when there is love, mutual understanding, harmony and mutually strengthening ties in it.
Our contact: familyuniverse13@gmail.com