in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Hey everyone, my YouTube channel took a turn of events but I pray this helps inspire someone who needs it ❤️❤️
Sending you love ❤️❤️
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Hey everyone here’s the link to my go fund me page thank you so much in advance for donating and loving on me in such a sacred way ❤️❤️🫶🫶🥹🥹
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I finished recording this mediation at 11.11, let me know what you think, I had SOOOO much resistance to doing it but I wasn’t getting anymore downloads for my business so I just surrendered and let go, best way to do it.
I know deep down when we surrender to our authentic self it opens the door to so much abundance to come through because we are being the light, it takes a lot of courage to show up in the fullest expression of yourself because it’s so different from how we actually show up day to day, but if we’re gunna heal and feel and release what no longer serves us and create a life that’s actually in alignment with our truth we have to let go of the fear and those annoying voices telling us not to go for certain things, it’s on the other side of all that noise and drama that we can find true liberation!!
This is a meditation meant to activate the subtle sensations that we feel in our body, your body’s always talking to you it can tell you when your going the wrong way and out of alignment with your soul, if only we take the time to slow down and listen 👂
When we can become fully present and in our pleasure we can allow ourselves to express and be who we are actually made to be, realising that we are safe and we have a connection to the divine / our soul and it always knows exactly where we should be and what we should say or do to manifest all of our dreams,
But we forgot this power as we got used to feeling unsafe in our childhoods, we disconnected from the essence of who we are and forgot to embrace our fun joy and pleasure and actually just be in the moment trusting that we will be guided, the only way to live is through trusting your intuition, the vision that God has placed in our hearts is too big for a logical mind to get us there only our souls know the path and we can always communicate and listen to our soul 💥✨🍓🌹💥💖
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Had a great time recording today!!!
Ladies it’s so important to love yourself and choose your own happiness don’t wait for anyone to come and give that to you that’s your own to cultivate ❤️❤️❤️
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What’s up beautiful GODDESSES!!
I just started my new community called Divinely Blossoming, where I teach women to become the most magnetic potent versions of them selfs,
I share all my juicy secrets to teach you how to heal your inner child and become the GODDESS that you are attracting all your hearts desires ❤️✨🌹
Here’s the link
You are Divinely Blossoming
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