There's something incredibly satisfying about good bread. Real bread. Not the supermarket kind that is whipped up at warp speed before being wrapped in fantastic plastic and freighted down freeways. Rather, I'm talking about bread as it used to be. Bread that, in years gone by, adorned tables at every meal and served as the staple that nurtured bodies and brought people together. Slow bread. Healthful and flavourful bread. The staff of life!
A number of years ago I decided I wanted to learn how to make real bread. Bread with a crust that shattered and a sweet open crumb, all the better to collect an immodest application of butter.
It has been a long road (sourdough has a mind of its own) but I feel I have now reached a point where I've got a bread and a skill worth sharing with you. Please enjoy these videos and use them to support your own sourdough journey.
If you like my style, join my online sourdough course, Sourdough Made Easy - get 10% off with code: YTSOUR