After 6 years of experience in the installation of structures of buildings in X-Lam/CLT, in the province of Varese, Milan, Rome, Trento and Bolzano for companies of national size such as EON-CDNE Spa with the brand CASA X-LAM and XLAM DOLOMITI srl, and from the study of a project at international level in the Island Hispaniola of Santo Domingo, where the climate envisages jointly earthquakes and winds up to speeds of 240 km/h; In September 2017 we developed SAI, SISTEMA DI ANCORAGGIO INNOVATIVO for X-Lam/CLT structures that replaces plates, hold down and ankar nails for fixing walls and floors, and introducing an innovative ground-mount system compared to that currently used consisting of the root in larch.
Engineering Timber and Construction