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Views : 1,233,957
Genre: Sports
Uploaded At Oct 29, 2024 ^^
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Rating : 4.952 (70/5,727 LTDR)
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User score: 98.19- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-11-11T08:02:02.67151Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
On a serious note, the risk would have been to extending his elbow because he was elevated off the ground and fully extending his arm… by the one fan pulling on his glove & the other holding his other hand still, he could have torn tendons in the elbow or dislocated it. I was an athlete for 22 years in hockey.. you would be surprised how quickly these injuries happen over minor instances like falling on the wrist or having a player tug on your arm.
10 |
The guy who pried the ball out of Mookie's glove has the face to match his intelligence level. He looks as stupid as his actions were. What a piece of garbage both of those guys were. They deserve lifetime bans from every single ballpark and stadium in the country. They should never be allowed to watch any sporting event live ever again. That was completely disgraceful and any Yankee fans who condone what he did should be ashamed of themselves.
807 |
1 week ago
Trying to catch a ball is different than grabbing a player, his glove, and grappling with the player for the ball. Both are scumbags and should be banned from any MLB park forever.
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