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Views : 78
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jan 25, 2024 ^^
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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-02-13T15:59:15.039886Z
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10 months ago
I was once talking to David Rives from the “Creation In The 21st Century” TV show. He was boasting about his telescope and how he could see the rings of Saturn in great detail and that he was friends with Buzz Aldrin. I asked him to show me just one picture of any of the supposedly six flags that were left on the moon and needless to say…I’m still waiting! Being friends with Buzz Aldin, he should know exactly where to point his magical telescope.
I also find it interesting that “Six Flags Great Adventure Amusement Park” opened it’s doors on July 1, 1974 just two years after the last man “supposedly” walked on the moon in 1972, as if to imply that the “Six Flags” are nothing but amusement.
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