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Views : 348
Genre: Nonprofits & Activism
Uploaded At Jun 19, 2023 ^^
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RYD date created : 2023-07-19T14:35:00.875145Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Thank you ! Thank you! Thank you , Jason !!! So so so much !! Your perspective vantage point is so much clearer than any I have heard before. Clarity ! Nailed it! Just waking up makes me a liability to the simulation meant to keep me in experiences blindness. But I do so enjoy new experiences…. new careers…. New projects…. School…. Am I asking to come back by asking for new experiences??
Hmmmm? I do have a world view that seems to encompass all the good and bad behaviors out there and things and institutions….
Maybe I’m ready for a new world too???
Thank you sincerely and deeply Jason for peeling away the mists of time blocking our understanding of where we came from, who we are and what is our situation right this second for how to think about where we are going!!!!
Gratsi, Gracias, Danke, Donyabahd, Arigatto, Privyet, Merci,
1 year ago
I wake up at 4 a.m mostly every day ..but I was able sit alone in peace (for a change ) and I find my thoughts , NO;I was thinking exactly this ; I am looking for something to inspire me , something to meditate on , which for me means , I just want to be still and just listen and then , whatever I am supposed to hear will arrive ..then this Archaic Short came on with Jason's message , SO ON POINT, n I LOVE THIS MESSAGE . Last night I found Jason talking about the first seal being broken; as always, with Jason saying something profound in his intro, before sharing some more new found knowledge he was kind enough to share .. just listening to his preamble , my hairs on my arms stood up - boom ! Mind blown -- talk about a knowing that I was supposed to hear the message !? There is no doubt 🔥🔥🔥 gratefu
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