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Genre: Entertainment
Uploaded At Sep 10, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Chi-Chi just wants Gohan to have a good life. Thing is, Gohan, is NOT a human. Gohan is a half-human, half-Saiyan. Gohan realistically CANT have a normal life because the universe in DBZ doesn't work like that.
I know Gohan and future Trunks don't like to fight, but that is something they both overcome in the face of having to protect themselves and their families.
There will always be villains, and sometimes villains come to Earth. When Goku or Vegeta cant handle those villains, then its Gohan's responsibility to fight and save the world. Its also perfectly possible to live a good life as a fighter- you can make a lot of money just by being strong. Goku does fine doesn't he? The only reason he isn't very rich is because he is a meat head. Gohan isn't.
Gohan not only if it weren't for Chi-Chi would've been so far ahead of Goku by now in terms of strength, but also much more capable. Gohan isn't stupid like Goku and is genuinely smarter. He can live a good life and still train and be strong without having to study, which is something that Chi-Chi took away. Gohan isn't human, so dont compare him to one, and while Chi-Chi had good intentions, don't act like she didn't prevent Gohan from becoming stronger and making his life a lot more chaotic than it ever needed to be. If a more practical mother was in place of Chi-Chi, DBZ and DBS would've gone by so much smoother.
(Also the fact that Chi-Chi and Bulma are friends and also the fact that Videl is Mr. Satans daughter means that money would never be an issue for the family :p)
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Let’s be fr, we all thought Chi-Chi was annoying at first but as we grew up, we realized the dark realism behind why she treats Gohan this way.
She wants her son to live a normal and happy life instead of running off fighting crazy space aliens only to end up getting himself killed like her husband did… TWICE. Ngl i’d be treatin’ my kids the same way, idc about your potential, save the world when it becomes your problem, otherwise you’re stayin’ at home.
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2 months ago
man i love dbz (29/100)
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