SPLA billing decisions depend entirely on your preferences and business model. While Microsoft has specific reporting rules, your end-client billing format remains flexible. Many SaaS providers choose to streamline bills, charging for overall services rather than detailed licensing breakdowns. Conversely, transparency appeals to some IaaS providers, who might include itemized license information.
Legally, avoid language implying license resale; you're the licensee under SPLA. Instead, frame billing around license consumption, not a transfer of licenses.
Need help improving your SPLA bottom line?
samexpert.com/services/microsoft-spla-managed-serv… Want to try doing it yourself? Follow us on LinkedIn and YouTube, where we share hundreds of snippets of licensing advice for SPs, MSPs, and end clients.
#Microsoft #Cloud #procurement ---
SAMexpert is an international independent business consulting company focused on Microsoft vendor management, including strategy, cost, compliance, and audit defence. Our commercial advice for CFOs, CIOs, procurement, and IT leaders is always unbiased because we do not sell Microsoft licenses or services.
Alexander Golev is a founder and a senior partner in SAMexpert, a serial entrepreneur, an industry thought leader and a public speaker. Alexander has been involved in Microsoft technology since 1994 and Software Asset Management since 2003.
Daryl Ullman is a co-founder, senior partner in SAMexpert, renowned negotiation expert, and public speaker. Daryl is an ex-Microsoft. He helped launch the Enterprise Agreement program in the 2000s. After leaving Microsoft, he founded Emerset, the world's first independent Microsoft licensing consultancy, which he sold in 2018. He joined SAMexpert in 2021 as the Chief Negotiation Officer. Daryl is the author of the book "Negotiating with Microsoft".
This channel is our knowledge-sharing platform.
Please watch: "Perfecting Microsoft Licensing for IaaS Service Providers"
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