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Views : 46
Genre: Gaming
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At May 16, 2024 ^^
warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-05-17T18:00:02.577286Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I don't like Taylor Swift that much but to all those others who are swifties, I respect your desicion/opinion and please don't give this person hate they are just telling their opinion or it might be a joke. Also if you agree with the him/her then don't rub it in ppls face or tell other swifties that Taylor sucks or smth like that.
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people need to stop posting stuff like this. it’s getting annoying. i don’t know why people think they have the right to hate on people just because they’re a certain age, they publish certain songs/genres, or because your a fan of someone else. you should learn how to keep things to yourself. have your parents not taught you manners?
and before you say, “it’s just an opinion”, or “it’s a joke”, i don’t care if it’s a joke or if it’s an opinion. people need to learn to keep things to THEMSELVES.
plus, it’s annoying when people say, “ik ill lose some subs over this but, ——.” it’s ANNOYING. stop being an attention seeker.
people are being rude for no reason. and i don’t think this rant or whatever you want to call it should be taken offensively or reported. i’m simply stating facts. everyone is annoyed of behavior like this. and genuinely, people are being rude to taylor. what’s wrong with her? give me 5 good reasons why you don’t like her, or maybe why she’s getting so much hate? sure she mainly publishes songs about love, she has millions/billions of fans.
i’m a taylor swift and melanie fan. but idk why people are being so rude to taylor. honestly, learn some manners and grow up.
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5 months ago
You gained a sub from a friend
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