55 Views • Nov 14, 2023 • Click to toggle off description
Some drills to train for speed, explosiveness as well as ankle strength & stability to level up your running game, performance and aid in injury prevention — on top of your fundamental strength training and conditioning, you can add in these drills to have some targeted work in areas that sometimes as runner’s we may be lacking.The more stability you have located within the joints (ankle, knees, hips), the more solid of a base you’ll have to produce force from.1. seated tantrum curls — max speed here, great for runners, produces high levels of hamstring recruitment, helps activate and strengthen the hamstrings in positions you typically find yourself in while performing rapid movements like running, sprints, bounds, jumps, etc. The hamstrings are a common areas that runners struggle with, so training them in different positions, under different loads and varying intensities will help alleviate a lot of issues. This gives a little love to the calves as well.2. banded hip flexion with acceleration — can use a slider or socks depending on the surface. Improves hip strength / hip flexors, don’t lose control over the band, explode forward, control the way back.3. power ups — light on the feet, minimal ground contract time, stay on the balls of your feet.
4. lateral ankle walks with plate hold — this puts the ankles and knees under tension for extended time which develops strength within those areas, as well as lateral movement and core development with placement of the plate. Go slow and controlled. 5. speed wall runs — slight lean forward from the ankles, focus on minimal ground control time, quick turnover, helps practice and develop hinging from the ankle for running.6. forward lunge ankle drops — helps develop ankle & foot strength plus hip mobility and control.7. wide climbers — active hip mobility & power as well as core stability.You don’t have to perform all of these in one go and can add them as you see fit in your training. You also don’t need a lot to reap the benefits.
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Views : 55
Genre: Howto & Style
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 14, 2023 ^^
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