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Views : 384,468
Genre: Gaming
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jul 13, 2022 ^^
warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
Rating : 4.879 (465/14,903 LTDR)
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RYD date created : 2024-12-10T13:53:04.392463Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I remember Mike Loades talking about just how dangerous slingers could be on the battlefield. They were hurling lead shot or very dense rocks at about 100mph, that could really do some damage to a man. And they were accurate too, the reason balearic slingers were so revered as mercenaries was because they used slings to hunt game from childhood.
If they weren't good, why would armies bother employing them?
My favourite are the inscriptions on the shots they'd use, notable examples being "Catch!" "Ouch!" "Get pregnant with this!" and "Smite Pompey's backside!"
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R1 slingers:
-gigachad facial structure
-literal clones of each other
-history's first battlefield snipers
-impactful and culturally relevant
-no need for hats, the sun politely fucks off
-rockin short pants centuries before they were cool
R2 slingers:
-look tired
-gay hats
-not culturally relevant
-face only a mother could love
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2 years ago
heres my video on the overall flaccidification of the ranged combat in total war. highly recommended viewing if you have not yet seen it:
slinging has been one of my favourite hobbies for about 15 years now, with videos showcasing my achievements on my second channel. you can imagine it was hard to decide what to cram into this 1 minute short.
and these shorts take a lot of time to make, but dont pay out anything in ads, and i dont ever do any product placements or ads either. if you appreciate these and want to help make it worth my time to make stuff like this (which a lot of people have been requesting since the last ones went up), my patreon is open:
thats also the best place to suggest future video ideas to me, and hopefully will be plenty more to come in terms of these comparison shorts. cheers.
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