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Top Comments of this video!! :3
For the reasons outlined here, I also prefer the PF2e system of stealth. Though it's worth noting that while being on top of initiative is good, it's technically less "powerful" as 5e's surprise round. The surprise round in 5e grants the party an additional turn, where as in PF2e the enemies still move on that turn. This is mitigated by PF2e having feats that support using stealth as initiative and bonuses to going before your enemy on the first round for some classes.
Though I do think it's good to flatten out the advantages of surprise. It makes it when the enemy surprises your party less devastating, and makes it so players are less encouraged to minmax and fish for that surprise round. You can have players specialized in stealth do their surprise mechanics while others do whatever without getting in each other's way.
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Nice coverage.
I would add that in this scenario, the party have weapons drawn & spell components handy.
The Misflits may need to spend an action to rise and another to draw weapons, etc. They also may have been playing five and more must use Game Skill perhaps.
For myself, where a Surprise Round seems appropriate, those caught wanting roll Initiative based on the actions being occurring at the time. Not their best option, but the worse.
Also, is those causing the surprise, they may get the option to buff each other before Exploitative ends. Though, any rolls made to get prepared become the Initiative Roll.
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I know this sounds cool but it can be a bit of a time waster. Sometimes players will do anything for an advantage and arguing at the table that they want to use this skill or that skill for initiative is exhausting. Initiative is already a waste of time. I’m 5e I am using an auto roller now for initiative which takes initiative from 2 minutes to instant. And the best part is the players actually like it.
1 year ago
One of my favorite parts of Pathfinder
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