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Views : 31,413,560
Genre: Film & Animation
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jun 10, 2024 ^^
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Rating : 4.974 (14,162/2,170,669 LTDR)
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User score: 99.02- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2025-01-12T09:05:21.800325Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
My stepsister has Lyme, and it has ruined her life. She’s been sick for years. She can’t work, she has massive hospital bills, she feels like no one will want her so she doesn’t date, and she can only rarely attend her daughters school sports events.
She went from a state champion athlete and college graduate to someone who can barely get around, and has to get help from our parents with bills. It’s heartbreaking.
Lyme is a serious illness.
3.1K |
My grandpa had a lil tick on him back in his early twenties.
He fell sick and thought he was about to become paralyzed because he couldn’t move his legs as much.
When he went into the hospital they thought he had cancer forming at the spine because there was a small bump, they cut open that bump and found a tick, the skin grew over it.
He said like 3 days later he immediately felt better.
I miss gramps. He always had some crazy stuff to tell us & his taste in music was 👌🏽👌🏽
20K |
5 months ago
the entire show is literally him knowing the only way to save a patient while all the other professionals doubt him and he has to do something illegal to save the patient
37K |