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The stone says: "Bis hieher und nicht weiter kamen die Serbischen Reiter
Anno 1919"
In translation: This far and no further the Serbian cavalry arrived, year 1919
Town Velden am Wörther
The English and the French ordered us to stop and not to enter Vienna, because Kaiser Wilhelm II demanded that the Entente stop the Serbian army, in order to sign the capitulation.
The monument is located in front of the Hotel Carinthia on Karawankenplatz, in the town of Velden am Wörthersee, Carinthia, Österreich. It was built in 1930. by stonecutter Anton Bulfon (1885 - 1961).
It was set up by the Austrians to show how they managed to stop the advance of the Serbian army in that very place. Which is true, of course... that the allies ordered us to stop, because that was the Kaiser's condition for capitulation, by which the Entente received huge reparations!
And Serbia hasn't been paid a single cent for both ww1 and ww2 in reparations. And i assure you, it will be.
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The origin of this anti-serbian sentiment in the political West and Imperial structures before it, are rooted in much deeper history and are all linked together. For example, did you know that Serbian king Ђурађ Бранковић / Đurađ Branković, and Serbian independent Church were the only ones not to show up on Union of all Churches in Florence 1439, which could basically make all Christians and christian denominations fall under Rome's Pope. Which would have been "Christian" Roman Empire assembled again, with Pope as Pontifex Maximus, augustus... Russian Patriarch showed up in Florence.
Anyways... to rewind that origins in years before ww1...
Assassination of archduke Franz Ferdinand by Gavrilo Princip was a intelligence services plot, to get on with the war that was planned for decades. It was not a cause for war which outraged Austria-Hungary against "terrorist, vicious nation of Serbs". German authorities themselves despised Ferdinand and wanted him gone. Because he was about to make serious changes within the Empire.
That murder had same signature like murder of Yugoslav king Aleksandar Karađorđević in 1934 in Marseille and assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the only Catholic President of USA... Well, until Sleepy Joe, Biden... 🙂
Murder of Franz Ferdinand was ww1's Gulf of Tonkin. Gavrilo Princip who committed the act was not even Serbian, it's not like that has any significance, but still. There is no Serbian family name of Princip. His family among many Sephardic Jewish families migrated to Bosnia from Spain, ever since times of Inquisition. He himself stated that he was anarchist. As for notorious Young Bosnia... There were many organizations with prefix Young in that time: Bosnia, Italy, Albania, i think even Bulgaria... There are some who claim that Vatican was head of these organizations. Very similar anarchist organisations, consistent of young people and liberal ideology, as Antifa or BLM today... Or to Leon Trotsky in Russian October Revolution 1917.
What preceded ww1 were Austrian economic sanctions against Serbia which lasted until 1911 and annexation of Bosnia in 1908 with majority of Serbs living there. Serbs and Bosnian Muslims even together stood up in armed rebellion against this annexation, but it was quickly stifled. Austria-Hungary is today's EU, USA corporation + EU are Hitler's Fourth Reich with the same borders and same SS allies in the Balkans, with similar social democratic, progressive politics, which infested Europe in early 20th century. What EU /Austria-Hungary / Fourth Reich has achieved? To turn all of our neighbors against us, bringing us in a circled position, strategically unenviable. Bringing Serbia to pre Balkan Liberation wars (1912-13) borders. Because as soon as we broke from clutches of Austrian sanctions, we've managed to expel remnants of Turkish rule from the Balkans... Thanks to the diplomacy and political actions of our greatest politician Milovan Milovanović Balačko, who was later murdered. He managed to form an Alliance of all Balkan's peoples, with goal to banish Turks once and for all. Based on those wars, nobody today can deny Serbian rightful claim on Macedonia & North Albania.
Not just in that time, but ever since Uprisings against Ottomans Serbia threatened to become Piemonte of the Balkans, an unifying factor of all Balkan's peoples. Contradictory to the interests of circling Empires. Especially after the mentioned Balkan wars in 1912, British authorities were saying something like this: unifying of Serbia will be a defeat of Western civilization. Their narrative originates from Benjamin Disraeli (1804 - 1881) who spoke and wrote about Serbs with utter contempt in his ''Eastern Question'' policies...
Anyways, ww1 ended with Serbian infantry running faster than French cavalry, not just freeing Serbia and all the way to Slovenia, but occupying Vienna in a process, where Austria had concentration camps for Serbian prisoners. In words of Kaiser Wilhelm II war was decided by no more than 60 000 Serbian peasant warriors.
Comanche David Yeagly (1951-2014), conservative political activist, wrote once on Serbs and our fighting for Kosovo. He called the Serbs "last Mohicans of white Europe"... And he wasn't lying... Because like Mohicans, sadly Serbian ethnicity is almost extinct in every way possible... We are being occupied by British zionist Empire: a servant, brains of the Vatican, for centuries now and with usage of ''soft power'' and Bomb power, almost wiped out... Like in "ally" bombing of all Serbian ethnic habitats during the ww2 1943-1944, by British and American planes. Exact number of civilian casualties by the "allies" will never be determined, it goes far above 15 000. Belgrade alone was bombed 12 times, including on Easter, 16th of April 1943, in the morning when churches and streets were full of people..
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The internments were caused by two preconceived notions of the leading circles in the Austrian Monarchy, both stemming from the fact that imperial-royal diplomacy and the army had long suffered severe failures due to persistent and successful Serbian resistance, which was perceived in aristocratic circles along the Danube as severe humiliation.
On the other hand, it was about the belief that Serbs are a nation that will not easily give up on the idea of its freedom, even after suffering a heavy military defeat. Thus, out of both fear and weird respect for the courage and endurance of the "small" Serbian people, and out of arrogance, mass and individual deprivation of liberty of the inhabitants was carried out without court judgments and, most often, without violations.
In certain periods of time, such as, for example, from the beginning of 1916, a real hunting season for people spread out in Serbia. The district commander in Šabac informed the military administration in Belgrade, in mid-February 1916, that he had interned: "all the male population, regardless of whether they are people who, according to military medical findings, are capable or incapable of military service."
According to the official acts of the Austro-Hungarian military administration, in the summer and early autumn of 1916, for example, 5500 people were interned from the Kragujevac district, 2500 from Kruševac, 2000 from Smederevo, 1000 from Valjevo, and 3000 from Belgrade and its surroundings.
A member of the Austro-Hungarian army, an eyewitness to the terror against the population of Belgrade during the first, short-lived occupation in 1914, published a brochure in Zagreb in 1919 - "Horrors in Serbia," in which he said the following:
"Entire mobs of drunken soldiers marched through the burning city, breaking into public buildings and museums, private houses and apartments, of people who left the city and their homes out of fear of bombing. The more valuable things, which they could take with them, were taken away, while the furniture and other things were simply smashed and set on fire. If any of the family members opposed against them, they were killed without any trial… And so, while some mobs of soldiers robbed, enslaved people and killed - strong military patrols, gendarmerie and police, instead of protecting peaceful citizens from savage soldiers, they strolled through the city and captured the bare-handed citizens, forced them into the fortress in groups, ready to be interned to Hungary. "
At the top of the Austro-Hungarian state, in Vienna as well as in Budapest - as historical research shows - terror and genocide in occupied Serbia were considered the only means that could, for the foreseeable future, eliminate Serbia as a social and political factor in historical events in the Balkans. To prevent Serbia from being a major factor in the gathering of all Serbs and other Slavs, outside of the Habsburg Monarchy and it's interests...
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Hi! I will respond to you here, since it won't post my other comments about Austro-Hungarian / Serbian warfare and Serbian losses.
Starting from the number of hanged, shot and interned residents of Serbia, those who were not called under the war flag, which means the elderly, women and children, the researchers came to a unanimous conclusion that the measures of violence wanted to reduce the biological strength of the Serbian people and that this was "one of the hidden goals of the Austro-Hungarian government." The intention of Vienna and Budapest, when they decided on the war against Serbia, was, as it is pointed out, to "not only overthrow the Serbian kingdom state: militarily, politically, to humiliate it and economically exhaust it, but also to cause deep social disturbances in it, which will hold back for a long time." And slow down Serbia's recovery and development. Hence, the war was fought cruelly not only at the front but also in dealing with the population…
Of the 60 000 gallows that Austro-Hungary erected in its country and in the occupied territories during the war, a good part falls on Serbia. (According to the statement of the Austro-Hungarian Croatian general Bekić to the Zagreb newspaper "Agramer Taglat", 11 000 people were hanged in Serbia during the occupation, by the decision of the military authorities, but the actual number of those hanged without verdicts should have been ten times higher!)...
As the largest city in Serbia, Belgrade was a special target of the Austro-Hungarian army and the Austro-Hungarian police, in which key positions were held by Croats, primarily members of the Zagreb police. Thousands of its citizens were deported to concentration camps across Hungary and Austria… Many of them were killed in those camps, and many were victims of various epidemics, as they spent weeks and weeks, even months, in the opened air, lying bear-naked. Both male and female population, and very often minor children, were taken to these camps, and to internment in general. On December 13th 1914, just before the first expulsion of the Austro-Hungarian army from Belgrade, Austrian authorities carried out a "real shunt chase on the citizens" in the city. Armed patrols, on foot and on horseback, began cruelly and without any consideration to collect old people, the disabled, women and children on the streets and drive them across the bridge to Zemun… About 1500 of people were picked up in one or two days and expelled over Sava river.
After being brought to Zemun, citizens of Belgrade that were picked up from the streets were sent on foot to Novi Sad, and from there to concentration camps in: Nadjmedjer, Boldogason, Nahashab, Kaposvar ... According to the statement of Tanasije Hadži-Ilić, published in "Politika" on June 11th 1915, his group of 2800 people was taken to the Baldogasonufalvi camp, where 13 000 internees were gathered only in one hour, of whom only 8300 survived
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3 years ago
Here are the numbers. I will write in approximately for most of the cases.
Out of 850 000 soldiers, as many as Serbia called under the war flag, 402 000 died on the battlefields or died from wounds and epidemics. No other country has had such large losses in relation to the number of population.
- In 1914 alone, the Serbian army was left without 2000 officers, 8000 non-commissioned officers and 150 000 soldiers.
- During the crossing over Albania, 77 500 soldiers lost their lives, and on the Thessaloniki front, in 1916, 1917 and 1918 - 36 500.
- Apart from all the above, in 1915, 34 500 soldiers died of wounds or diseases on the occupied territory of Serbia.
How great these losses were can be concluded from the data that about 70 000 soldiers from all over Croatia and Slavonia died in the First World War - in Serbia, Russia and on the Italian front (about 150 000 were captured, mostly in Russia).
- A large number of Serbian soldiers also died in captivity - about 81 000. One part of them was killed, second part died due to poor nutrition and various diseases, and one part died on all kinds of workplaces. Workplaces i which prisoners of war, according to the Hague Conventions, were not even allowed to be used... According to Vladimir Stojančević, many Serbian prisoners of war were forced to participate in the construction of the Baghdad Railway in the deserts of Mesopotamia.
- Serbia also suffered great losses of civilians, approximately 850 000, including women and children in this number.
Among civilians who followed the army in retreat across Albanian mountains, 140 000 died. Typhoid epidemic 1914-15 took about 360 000 lives.
In total, according to the data presented at the Peace Conference in Paris, Serbia lost 1 247 435 people, both soldiers and civilians. 28 in percentage of the total population in 1914, when the war began. With severely disabled people, incapable of independent living and business, the losses of Serbia amounted to 1 and a half million people.
Hanging and brutal genocides commited against helpless Serbian population during the Austro-Hungarian occupation: 11,000 were hanged by the decision of the military authorities, many more without any trial, exact nor approximate number can never be determined. One peasant woman ended up on the gallows only because they heard her saying: "May you get sick of what you steal from Serbs!" They understood her, because there was many who could- Croats, Slovaks, etc... The most violent and inhumane examples of Austrian and European manners were shown in Mačva region. Crimes were committed by army unit called "Devil's Infantry".
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