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Views : 5,144
Genre: Sports
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Dec 24, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-12-26T16:43:44.092019Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
How is Zach LaVine an upgrade over Michael Porter Jr? I agree that the nuggets need to make a move but the only player they can move is mpj and Zach LaVine is not a better player than him. Neither one of them are very good defensively, but mpj at least has length. When it comes to shooting it's not even an argument, Porter clears him by a wide margin. Mpj had a ton of health issues early in his career but he's been healthier than Zach lavine. Zach lavine's hurt all the time. And as far as creation goes Zach LaVine is not a distributor. He's better at getting his own shot, but that shot is relatively inefficient most the time. I think they need to make a move but I don't think it's Zach lavine. I think that would be a disaster
1 month ago
Porter is third choice option a lot of the time ...lavine is usually first sk could do more damage and be more efficient with less attention on him