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Uploaded At Jun 27, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Edit: sweet I got pinned. Thanks 😎🙏
Here's how I see it:
GLaDOS has a major advantage over the Combine in almost every category. Her intelligence is infinite leagues above them, she has a facility that stretches on for miles in all directions which she can fully repair in seemingly a few hours, she has an almost unlimited amount of resources to construct as many trap filled labyrinths as ahe wants, and she can make foot soldiers ranging from stationary turrets to androids like Atlas and P-Body. Maybe Portal 1 GLaDOS could be beat since her brain was stunted greatly, but it's no wonder she managed to keep even an advanced alien race out.
That being said, there are scenarios where the Combine win, main one being if they had an actual reason to break into Aperture Science. In universe they have no real motive to break in, all it'd do is waste men and creatures like Striders aren't at all built for such a place. Hell more than half the facility requires a portal gun to get around.
But if they did, and they were persistant, I think they would eventually get to GLaDOS. For one not every part of the facility is under GLaDOS's thumb, there are blind-spots on her cameras and there are places she can't control. If the Combine set up base in places like that similar to Rattman, GLaDOS wouldn't have much to push them back.
They can send in Advisors or soldiers from off-world until GLaDOS ran out of resources and/or bullets. Or they can in general call for help from Home World, who knows what would happen then.
Although for all we know GLaDOS could get creative, maybe she could get around some of these. Again infinite intelligence and resources. If a 19 yo girl can rip through a small army in a few hours and a guy with a crowbar can destroy their grip on humanity in a matter of days then GLaDOS certainly wins most scenarios, arguably she beats all the Combines Earth army.
Anyway great edit l
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7 months ago
This is somewhat debatable but the Combine can easily bruteforce their way through the test rooms with the technology they have.
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