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Uploaded At Aug 29, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Lore-wise this is entirely expected. Andromeda Ascendant has no shields and she's designed for essentially the space equivalent of BVR missile fights. Missiles that do get through her counter-missiles and point defenses are largely dealt with by letting their relativistic kinetic impactors travel through her spaceous hull (hopefully without taking out too much vital equipment). But here, the Enterprise starts off close enough to sling unguided direct fire weapons (anti-proton bursts for Andromeda, phasers for Enterprise) which is the equivalent of knife-fight range, and she's slinging warheads with huge explosive charges. Andromeda Ascendant is frankly lucky to have survived at all!
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From what I remember (and I didn't watch many episodes). The Andromeda is like a living ship, and it has regenerative abilities (like the Borg). I'll look into that.
I was wrong... it needs repairs by humans just like any ship.
After the Magog attack, it spent months in drydock.
I found out that it took special pilots to navigate in ftl travel (slipstream).
Voyager could have used one... Harry and Tom failed. π
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The problems with Andromeda's damage model in BC always annoyed me along with the low detail. I'd love to see a proper season 5 Andromeda Ascendant model with offensive/defensive missiles, drones, slipfighters and AP cannons. She'd make short work of a lot of things and look magnificent doing so!
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4 months ago
That opening volley from the E was enough to glass a country. It really was trying to end the fight lol
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