441 Views β’ Nov 21, 2023 β’ Click to toggle off description
KLM Turbo Kit, let's talk about it!
We see the chatter and talk about new kits being brought to the table. We know other options will come available, however we encourage customers to do their research when it comes to purchasing their kits. When it comes to manufacturing these kits it takes a team of fabricators that can keep up with production and produce the highest quality possible. Here at KLM Race we have an entire team dedicated to just fabrication and welding along with building fixtures to ensure proper clearances and production of the highest standards. It takes years to put together an elite team of welders and fabricators that can come together and create the highest quality turbo kits on the market! In our welding/fabrication department alone, we have 8 dedicated fabricators/welders each with a specialized role in producing our KLM Turbo Kits.
When it comes to the performance and efficiency of our turbo kits, we utilized our wealth of knowledge and prior experience in producing a formula for success. We came into the BMW/Toyota platform recently, and have already broken world records in both the B58 and S58 platforms. Currently the fastest B58βs and S58βs are running one of our KLM Turbo Kits and we plan to extend the same success into our KLM Engine Program. We plan to always improve and continue bringing the highest quality to the market. Do not miss out on your opportunity to be part of the KLM Team, and utilize the savings opportunity during our Black Friday Sale!
KLM kits are often imitated, never duplicated!
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Views : 441
Genre: Autos & Vehicles
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 21, 2023 ^^
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