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Views : 2,346
Genre: Gaming
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jul 7, 2023 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I think a lot about contrasts in most aspects of life. For example after enough "boring" food, the more "exciting" food will taste of more, and better.
So like 5 days with Low Calorie/Easy to make food, and 2 days with Low Calorie/Tasty. To increase the contrast. That way the dieting person also gets something to look forward to.
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Here's a universal spjce blend that I use that can make most* things taste good.
ā¢Garlic Powder
ā¢Oreganum & Thyme (Preferably dried. mixed Herbs/Italian seasoning can work too, but Oreganum and Thyme are essential. Rosemary is good too, just don't put too much, it'll overpower the other herbs and make your food taste wintery)
ā¢Chilli Powder
ā¢Cayenne Powder
ā¢Ground Ginger
ā¢Ground Gumin
I like to grind the herbs and peppercorns into a mortar and pestle, and then add in the rest of the spices until it's a mostly fone powder. I then put this spice blend in a container for future use.
If there's a spice or two that you don't have access to, it's fine. Make sure that you add the spices proportionately to your taste. If you want it more herbaceous, add more herbs than other spices. I personally add quite a bit of black pepper, Paprika, Cayenne and chilli powder. Make this how you want to. Feel free to add another spice if you want.
*This might not work too well with veggies, but I've never tried it with veggies, so who knows.
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1 year ago
"Who says you can be happy? Make all of your furniture out of plywood, and dead dreams, and then you can still enjoy your bed at night time"
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