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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Good list!
I would put prime and MG above tiamat
Due to the fact that prime fought a Strong godzilla, and could damage and overpower him pretty badly, while Tiamat was strong enough to handle a godzilla tired from the fight against monster zero, and got destroyed after the fight taked place in ground.
While MG is just from the fact that he could handle both godzilla and kong at 40 -50% in his fight, this feat would scale him above or equal to tiamat, due to the fact that both no diff a tired godzilla.
So my list would be like this:
8. Skar king
7.MG and Dagon
6. Muto prime
5. Mothra
(Skar king, MG, dagon and muto prime are interchangeable for me)
Also Camzozts should be in top 5 as he is stated to be stronger than muto prime. Also the only reason why Kong even overpowered him was because of the humans they we’re really going back and forth with Camzotzs having the upper hand.
Camzozts scream was stated to shack the entire hallow earth and he is also considered to be a Godzilla level threat and Can do things similar to that of Ghidorah.
I agree with this, but the mechagodzilla probably doesnt stand much, pretty much got beated by a godzilla that was weaknend 50 per cent of strength, his power was drained, and statements claimed hes fsster than mecha. Also, via adam wingard statement. And more so pretty much he scales to a weaknend drained godzilla
I’d put mothra above soar king she’s state to have the ability to kill ghidora with a full power god ray has multiple feats that put her near Kong
She actually dominated the fight with rodan but because she had just reached her final stage her already bad resistance to fire was even worse and she only got weaker the more they faught
She just has a lot of things going for her
8 months ago
Muto Prime, Mothra and Tiamat are all interchangeable for me. Also my list with no amps or multipliers, basically just everyone in their base form is:
1. Shimo
2. Ghidorah
3. Godzilla
4. Muto Prime
5. King Kong
6. Skar King
7. Tiamat
8. Mothra
9. Mechagodzilla
10. Shinomura
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