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Views : 504,562
Genre: Gaming
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jan 8, 2025 ^^
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User score: 98.45- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2025-01-16T05:30:32.854783Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I used to be a co- director at a preschool. I have questions.
Is your credit card on file? If not, then they cannot physically charge you.
Did you sign any policies or agreements when registering them? Not admission info (personal info), I’m talking about their rules. Something along the lines of “I understand these policies, blah blah.” If not, you can argue that you were not aware of the procedure and didn’t sign anything saying so.
And lastly, if you DID sign their “contract” (we used to like to use that term), did they give you a copy of it? If not, then it is not a legal binding contract and don’t have any requirement to fulfill it, as you cannot check the contract yourself to make sure you are following the conditions.
Daycares are usually privately owned. Yeah it sucks when you have kids unenroll and still have bills and staff to pay. They usually ask for notice to give them time to enroll other children in their place. BUT they can always work with you IF they choose. Ask to talk to the director and see if she can help you out.
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Curious who will be helping out while you work your long shifts. Im so sorry you are going through all of this. Its not easy alone with one, three, I would have gone crazy. You are doing so many things with them and they will always remember your presence. Thats what maters. Hope your week gets better.
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I had to pull my kids out of daycare after 5 months, my kids were constantly sick, my son got bronchitis, hand foot and mouth and ear infections that wouldnt go away, my dr said he would have to get tubes in his ears if they didnt stop. After I pulled them out, no more ear infections or sickness! It was the best thing for my family plus saved alot of money❤ hopefully everything works out for you!
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1 week ago
You are the best dad
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