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Views : 3,495
Genre: Comedy
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Feb 18, 2023 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I grew out of my impulse to "train" during my short marriage for exactly this reason. He didn't take any notes to the next one but, still, lesson learned for me. I now work diligently to be open yet gentle when expressing to a partner what I need or what may be bothering me. I'm not perfect but I can come back and admit when my approach wasn't the best. However, I won't wrestle with anyone anymore. If I get resistance and resentfulness from you, I'll just excuse myself from the relationship. I understand that many women hang on because they have the mindset of "if I put in all this work then I DESERVE reciprocity." And they may be true but I think it's wise to consider that you may not get it from the current one. Sometimes you gotta cut your loses. There's no guarantees, you can't actually "earn" good treatment from someone, they have to choose.
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So insightful. Men resent a woman who tries to change them, but will still take advantage of her emotional and financial labour to go to the next woman.
The man also doesn't want to be successful with the old woman because he can't really be her hero; she's seen where he came from and knows what he's REALLY like.
So ladies do NOT be "Barbra The Builder". Give that good energy to investing in YOURSELF.
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Sometimes it changes come not because they don't want to change for that person but because that person keeps them from being able to change... Everything that I did with my ex I don't know how to do with my current partner and we are not engaged but that's because my last partner wasn't able to separate my past deed for my current change It's not always the guy's fault
1 year ago
"you're not gonna tell me what to do...
but lemme just write that down for later"
LMFAO why is that so relatable. I know that level of pettiness is not healthy but it is hard to resist
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