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Views : 147,135
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Mar 23, 2023 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
the range of both Ichigo and Yhwach is greater than low Multiversal, since Ichigo is a 5D being and Yhwach surpasses him at least up to his TYBW version, his Adult version may be both of the same caliber but more information is needed, it is only known that he is Much stronger than in TYBW. The scale of a 5D being states: High Level Multiverse +: Characters that are 5-dimensional, and/or can destroy and/or create 5-dimensional space-time constructs of not insignificant size. Characters who can infinitely destroy and/or create infinite numbers of universes can also be assigned to this level, since their 5-D geometric size can be greater than 0. 1-C Low | Low Complex Multiversal Level Characters that can affect, create and/or destroy the totality of spaces whose size corresponds to one or two higher levels of infinity greater than a standard universal model (low 2-C structures, in plain language.) In terms of "dimensional" scale, this can be equated to real 5 and 6 dimensional coordinate spaces (R^5 to R^6), i.e. Ichigo TYBW being level 5D is Multiversal+ and Yhwach who surpassed it is probably Low Complex Multiversal but both are on the same dimensional level, so they can harm each other as demonstrated.
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1 year ago
People on TikTok tried to debunk this scale and failed lol
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