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Views : 174
Genre: Sports
Uploaded At Oct 24, 2024 ^^
warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
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RYD date created : 2024-10-24T22:21:58.433288Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
My opinion with proof
1. Cristiano ronaldo ( he shouts what to do in games and he showed an example about it in the euro 2016)
2.mo salah( also a good example of saying tactics in games without thinking and coming up to players)
3.Sergio ramos ( sometimes he's aggressive sometimes he's calm but he can also control people on what to do
4. Lionel Messi ( he becomes a great teammate when he talks calming people and also scanning around seeing what the team he coaches can do)
5. Paul pogba ( he's good in talking but I put him 5 because I haven't seen much from his only goals )
( I'm a Man UTD fan so don't think I'm a liver pool of rubbish fan)
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1 month ago
1. Ramos - He has a great knowledge of the game, is experienced as a captain, and people will listen to him
2. Ronaldo - Commanding, good knowledge of the game and people would want to perform for him. However people will also be too scared and his ego would get the better of him sometimes
3. Messi - although messi is shy, he was taught by Pep and has arguably the greatest knowledge of the game on this list
4. Salah - Salah has good ball knowledge but I don’t think he’d be great managing a team
5. Pogba - He would bail on games to get haircuts 😂, people don’t take him seriously and he isn’t serious enoug
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