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Views : 24,104
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Oct 5, 2020 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
actually jason is the taller heavier set man, but only by a little, and that Michael myers is actually known as the shape!
it's common to know that a demon can possess a mortal and Michael is a much older more powerful demon than Jason and would likely submit to the shape! as michael is a figure of pure Evil not vengeance!
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Michael Myers will win. Because for 1 Michael Myers comes back all by himself and Jason has to be brought back by something in order to come back such as:
-An electric shock 2x
-Hell ressurection
-Let loose by a psychic power girl
-Risen by freddy kruger
While Michael Myers comes back all by himself and survived things such as:
-Fire a lot of times
-Getting eletricuted a lot of times
-shot in the eyes
-got his body shot a lot of times
-survived falls
And they can't survive without a head. And Jason didn't survive without a head he got stabbed in the head and still needed an electric shock to bring him back. And this is not even mentioning what Michael Myers did in Halloween Kills.
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Cannonly michael myers definitely isn’t 6’7, James Jude Courtney who played Michael myers in the latest addition to the Halloween franchise is 6’2 and the cannon height for Jason voorhees is 6’3 by Kane hodder who played Jason in many additions to Friday the 13th franchise including Jason takes Manhattan.
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2 years ago
This is what I wake up thinking 9/10 times. Who would win in a all throws down scenerio.
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