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This is how we thrive as a single income family of 4 - PART 3: FOOD
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60 Views • Nov 20, 2023 • Click to toggle off description
This is how we thrive as a single income family of 4

PART 3: FOOD - We shop at Costco for bulk food items, grocery outlet for packaged snack food, and our cheapest local grocery store for produce and to stock up on meat to freeze when its on sale. We use the budget bytes app for budget-friendly dinner recipes to make at home. I have 4 weekly meal plans I rotate each month so I have an easy plan for dinner that keeps me from being tempted to eat out or order take out. All of these things we do are simple, easy, and kind of “no brainers” but if you can stick to these tips it will really make a big impact on how much you can save on your groceries each month.

#oneincomefamily #singleincomefamily #firefamily #firewife #savingmoneytips #savingmoney #thrifty #thriftymom #thriftyfinds #thriftymoms #frugalliving #frugality #frugallife #frugalmom #homemaker #homemaking
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Views : 60
Genre: People & Blogs
Uploaded At Nov 20, 2023 ^^

warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video

RYD date created : 2023-11-21T03:00:39.466274Z
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oh hey i think you lost your tags look how to find one

Nyo connections found on the description ;_; report an issue lol


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