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Views : 669
Genre: Education
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Apr 11, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-04-12T08:43:48.125684Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Propaganda, even 110 year old propaganda, is still potent stuff. Look at the Kaiserās reputation, and reception, in England before the war. The commoners actually adored him. Once the war started, and with it the lies of the press and government, his reputation was sealed. After the war he became a scapegoat in Germany as well. The SPD continued to disparage him because, being socialists, they feared that a shift in public opinion might return the monarchy. Iām not saying he should be canonized but he was a whole lot better than what followed.
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8 months ago
I believe that he was okish he did care for his people after all. For a early XXth century leader he proposed a lot of laws and programs that had in the end a social role
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