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Views : 489,119
Genre: Gaming
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 2, 2024 ^^
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User score: 98.47- Masterpiece Video
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Our daughter had them when she was a toddler and after a lot of research I found that disrupting the night terror before it happened really helped. We'd check on her about an hour after she fell asleep and move her around a bit to disrupt the night terror before it happened. The nights that she did get one I would rub her back and gently hum a song until she lay back down. Never ever wake them up. Good luck! You're a wonderful dad 😊
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My Daughter used to get them and it seemed to be around the same time every night so her dr said to set a timer a little before they were about to start and move her around a little bit. But don't completely wake her up.. we did this and eventually it stopped. It worked for us idk about anyone else but they were pretty bad at the time.
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When my daughter had night terrors I would pray with her til she calmed down. Then I would tell her to imagine her favourite pet or someone else’s pet running across the beach having fun and start making up a story. I would ask her what the pet is doing now etc. i would sing til she fell asleep again. It’s tough for you and your child. All you can do is take the focus off the fear and focus them on something lovely. Give them lots of reassurance, love and peace ❤
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Soo, I've had night terrors since I was 6, and I'm 38, mine became soo much less often when I met my husband at 21, and co-sleeping with him because I felt safe and protected, my night terrors began after trauma. Now, sleepytime tea, lavender/chamomile spray (Loveee this one, I have two: the ThisWorks Deep Sleep Pillow Spray & Better Home & Gardens Lavendar & Vanilla room spray), I also use the lavender plug-ins. Sometimes it's underlying stress, anxiety, or grief that brings them out. Maybe someone to talk to if its needed? Best of luck and were here for ya!!!
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2 months ago
Commenting for the algorithm 💖 I am subscribed and like every video I can!! I pray you can stay home with your babies like you hope to
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