PokeVideoPlayer v23.9-app.js-020924_
0143ab93_videojs8_1563605_YT_2d24ba15 licensed under gpl3-or-later
Views : 31,899
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 18, 2024 ^^
warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
Rating : 4.999 (1/3,836 LTDR)
99.97% of the users lieked the video!!
0.03% of the users dislieked the video!!
User score: 99.95- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-11-24T19:33:52.315731Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I love to watch BTS dance. I could watch them dance all day. And I have.!!!! And also , love to hear them sing. They are all so talented. I can sure understand why they are world wide loved. I wish so much , they were out of the military. I can't wait for them to get out , and have some new performances. I honestly can't wait for , June , 2025.!!!! I miss BTS so much. Love to BTS. ๐๐๐๐
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2 weeks ago
Why are they so synchronized even the hardest choreo they just nailed it! ๐๐๐ฅฐ
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