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Views : 306
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 20, 2024 ^^
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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-11-20T22:08:50.898554Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
In Gen Alpha slang, "aura" is a way to describe how cool someone is, or their "it" factor. It's similar to the concept of swagger. "Aura points" are a quantifiable way to measure a person's aura, with gains representing coolness and losses representing uncoolness.
Here are some examples of how "aura points" can be used:
If someone trips in public, they might lose "negative 1,000 aura points".
If someone is wearing a fashionable outfit, they might say "I have aura".
Someone might lose "aura points" if they do something weird or cringy in front of others.
"Aura" is more commonly used in online commentary or TikTok videos than in face-to-face conversations.
2 weeks ago
Bro ur edits are actually so good😭