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Views : 4,677
Genre: Music
Uploaded At May 10, 2024 ^^
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Rating : 4.923 (6/305 LTDR)
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User score: 97.10- Overwhelmingly Positive
RYD date created : 2024-05-16T17:54:36.056936Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
When I first heard this song I knew that LZ had moved into another dimension as performers. They had created something legendary, something timeless.
I had always been a huge LZ fan . When I heard ‘Stairway’ I knew that they had created something special. Something that transcended ‘rock music’ and had moved on to become something iconic.
When i think of rock songs that could be labeled ‘iconic’ , I think of two songs: ‘Stairway’ , and ‘Layla’ . Two masterpieces from former ‘band mates’
Page and Clapton.
Rock was thrilling from mid 60’s to early 70’s
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The most iconic guitar solo ever created. Page was a master at creating musical textures that grabbed your attention.
He’s compared with his contemporaries; Clapton and Beck. But Page was on another level altogether. He created musical textures that only the Beatles could equal.
I will never forget the first time hearing the first LZ album. It was like the transition from dynamite to atomic weapons
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6 months ago
Definitely a outstanding piece of music which stands alone above everything and can never be bettered ❤
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