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Views : 31,564
Genre: Gaming
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 6, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
They said that Bruce is stepping away as Batman at the moment because his idea of his duty as Batman has changed due to the events of the riddler. He originally thought that embodying vengeance was the answer, but that resulted in Alfred almost dying and the riddler seeing Batman as an inspiration instead of a threat. That scene in Arkham depicts that the riddler is essentially a reflection of himself. An amateur vigilante recklessly fighting for a cause. By the end of the film, him saving people from the flood turned him into a hero and it was clear now that vengeance wasn’t the answer. The answer is hope and justice for the people of Gotham. So with all that being said, the events of the film has driven him into a revaluation of himself and that means Batman needs to be put on hold for now. Sucks to not see him but I think it’ll cause for an interesting character arc for Bruce/Batman.
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My assumption is that Batman isn't present for three reasons.
One: The Batman primarily operates at night. So an explosion that happened during the day wouldn't necessarily warrant his immediate attention.
Two: at the end of the Batman, Bruce had made it clear that he needed to be more than a symbol of Vengeance. He also needed to be symbol of hope. And he would need to do that through both the Batman and Bruce Wayne persona. So it stands to reason that he's probably helping Gotham as Bruce Wayne during a time like this.
Three: It's Crown Point. This area is practically cut off from the rest of Gotham. So much so, that Oz isn't really all that scared to make business arrangements at night. A stark comparison to how he was in the beginning of the series. So I don't think that this area would necessarily be on Bruce's radar. Especially since this series takes place directly after the Batman.
Bruce is seemingly trying to expand his methods to help Gotham. And while his heart is in the right place, he's still a very flawed individual (in the best way possible). Which is why he would naturally gloss over Crown Point at first glance, similar to what he did to Selena at the beginning of the Batman.
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2 months ago
A shadow of him would go hard ngl
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