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Views : 16
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jun 18, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-06-19T01:39:49.844953Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I'm so sorry you're going through this. It breaks my heart to hear this :( You deserve so much better.
You aren’t alone one time I was walking Infront of these people and they said "gyatt" behind my back I also haven’t made a single Freind this school year. Also in the beyond the year these people were laughing at me running up the stairs
Thankfully, tomorrow is the last day, and we’ll be away from those morons soon. Also remeber They're just childish,immature boys without a life.
Plus it can only go up from here next school year imma give those boys a piece of my mind>:(
You are such a wonderful and talented person, and those who can't see that are truly missing out. If you ever need to talk, vent, or just have someone to listen, I'm here. ❤
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I hate school so much :( I was once running the the hallways and some kid whispered to his friend to trip me, and I was called an idiot for having an unzipped backpack. I can’t even go for a walk without some kid snapping in my ears just to annoy me. I’m tired of them
:( they act as if I have no feelings. I’m not even joking, one of them referred to me as little girl, which made me extremely uncomfortable. They also assume me and my friend are dating and is extremely annoying cuz they won’t leave me alone about it. This applies for camp too. Apparently people said I was weird for always drawing and I was discriminated because I was short. People also once ruined my drawings when I was in the bathroom.
Sorry for the long paragraph, I needed to rant about this since my parents don’t wanna hear or talk about it :(
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6 months ago
I feel you, I had a friend who made his other friends (including me) fight other people for his enjoyment and when we refused, he would make life hell for us.
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