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Views : 31,642
Genre: Film & Animation
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Dec 11, 2022 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-09-22T18:11:04.397588Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
It depends on the Situation, and who is trying to kill who.
If it was a Real Life Situation (No Death Note) Johan would win Mid diff.
If he was trying to kill them, he could find them easily.
Maybe there wouldn't be so much information on L, but there are on Light.
So when he finds them he could manipulate someone so that he kills them, or he could kill them himself in his ways.
If they we're trying to find him, it would kinda be the same.
With a Death Note, it doesn't change to much.
It depends on who has it.
If Light and L had the Death Note, they wouldn't be able to kill him anyways.
If they didn't know the Name, they would maybe search for it, and even if they found it, they couldn't kill him because Johan Liebert isn't his real Name.
If Johan had the Death Note, he would win easily, he could find Light's Name, use Light to kill L and then make him do suicide.
Finding Light's name would be easy, he could ask someone that knows him, or even know it already.
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1 year ago
I think it can go either way (L and Light can win Johan... And Johan can beat them too) The reason is the lack of information (from the very beginning, L knew Light's motive and goals, but he did not know how he kills) Here, the opposite is true - almost nothing is known about Johan's personality, his motives and goals. But it is quite clear how he does it. It will be hard for Johan not to notice when L and Light start to hunt him) (they have huge funds) Therefore, Johan has an advantage (he can learn more about them than they about him)
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