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Top Comments of this video!! :3
One other reason for me on top of everything you've said, I like to know where my chickens are.
I tried free ranging a few times, and it's a mess.
Only a few of my hens actually stay with the rooster.
So those hens will go one way into my neighbor's yard, and my rooster will try and see what's on the other side of the highway.
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I have an acre of land and live in Northwest Florida. My properties fenced in I keep my chickens all 50 of them in their run until the last chicken lays her Egg around 4:15 in the afternoon. Then I turned them out until dark, but if I’m going to have a particularly long season of dry weather, I don’t do that because of the poop issue, but we get fairly consistent rain that washes it away.. I’ve never had an overgrazing problem using this system, nor have I had them laying eggs outside of their nest boxes. When I’m done in the late afternoon with all of my chores, there’s nothing more relaxing than sitting on the swing on the deck watching the chickens scratch for bugs and seeds!
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I was visiting a property of a guy who free ranged 350 chickens. He had a great operation and was very experienced, but he had a massive part of his property which was grazed to only dirt and mud. We were talking about how to reclaim it and he said it's been impossible as he can't put them in another area/temporarily exclude them or he would lose the free range status. Every time he seeded it they would ignore their usual meals and have a field day. Sounds like total free range isn't the best option in a lot of cases.
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They're safe from LAND predators. Hawks and falcons can be deterred with some lines hanging across where the chickens are. In the middle of the lines tie some bright(I think red?) Cloth.
This will be seen by the birds of prey, and they can't dive to grab a chicken since they will get yoinked by the lines.
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❤ your big chicken coop
Outdoor access is the word
I only can have 3 chickens because of my small yard, they sleep in a Rabbit Hutch renovated with to outside attached nesting boxes, they only using one of course.
They have a 10 ft x 10 ft in closer but it’s mostly open and a chicken run 10ft x 50 ft. I put deer net over it for protection.
It’s not possible to free range them, because they would destroy every bit of grass or smaller plants scratching for worms insects and little stones. So I also use the high fence for puppies it’s easy to move around throw a net over for protection just for a few hours restricted outdoor free range
Happy chicken day
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2 months ago
"I don't free range my chickens I just free range my chickens"
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