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What do you think about the betting odds’ reliability in predicting the Eurovision winner?
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4,252 Views • Apr 18, 2023 • Click to toggle off description
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License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Apr 18, 2023 ^^

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Top Comments of this video!! :3


1 year ago

The odds are usually, not always, but usually right which removes a lot of the excitement and hype. It also doesn't help that it's hard to avoid finding out who's on top unless you actually make a big effort, I usually do make some effort but it rarely works because I'll see it somewhere randomly whether I want to or not.

This year i have failed really bad at avoiding the odds, so I can't remember the last time I was less excited for Eurovision, I love this competition and the performances so it's not completely ruined, but a lot of the excitement is just gone.

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1 year ago

Yes. The betting odds are definitely ruin the surprise element of the results. I think many people pay more attention to the favorites and vote them because of that.

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1 year ago

For me they are not spoiling the surprise. But i absolutely hate when people or news chanels are referring to them as to something serius or professional and posting a country changing positions as if that infuences their result

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1 year ago

I think Spain, France, Austria or Armenia will make the surprise this year, all ppl look at Sweden, Finland or Norway for sure but I think Spain have the chance to win the contest this year. Let's see what will happen, can't wait!!

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1 year ago

YES YES YES, aswell the rehearsals being shown to the public also spoils the live moment of surprise.

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1 year ago

Not really... often than not it's the other way around. It helps create hype. I've only started following betting odds in 2017 when Portugal suddenly got traction out of nowhere, and in subsequent years it made the contest more exciting.

It's more of a predictor than anything. Outside the top three though, anything could change, and like first impressions, sometimes they are almost often entirely wrong, and that makes it even more exciting haha

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1 year ago

Yes… for me they shouldn’t exist.. cause there are so many songs that could stand a chance on eurovision finals but bc they are low on the eurovision betting odds, they don’t come through to the final 😕

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1 year ago

because people tend to vote on those who have more bets instead of the performance itself so they win the bet.

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1 year ago

No but I think that some juries are following them

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1 year ago

I feel like that the odds spoil the winner. I also feel that Loreen should not win. Song is kinda boring imo, the "emotion" everyone feels, feels forced and fake to me so I feel nothing. Also the song is overhyped it isn't anything new compared to the last 8 years of boring English pop from Sweden the song isn't unique, and Sweden repertoire for the last 8 years is all boring and the same.

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1 year ago

It depends because if the odds are like in 2018 or 2021 (with no clear favourite) it makes things more exciting. But now as Ukraine and Sweden were and are at 40% or more it is pretty safe to say that they have a high chance of winning and I rather would not know about this probability tbh

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1 year ago

It’s accurate. I’ve punted on Eurovision for about 20 years and - more recently especially - bookies have got it right. It’s nothing to do with hype, it’s to do with money. Sweden this year, Ukraine last year, Italy the year before and Netherlands were all clear favourites quite early on. Portugal was the only surprise but Israel was also favourite before that despite a surge for Cyprus. If there is a surprise the bookies won’t know about it either.

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1 year ago

I definitely pay more attention to the songs that the Danish commenter (yes, the person comments in Danish over the whole show) says are favourites to win. I think it’s possibly a self fulfilling prediction. Goes the other way too, I pay less attention to the underdogs, for them to leave an impression they have to be more than amazing. I have actually often thought, that I wish I didn’t have other people’s opinions or odds to influence me.



1 year ago

Unfortunately they are always right and yes that ruins the surprise factor, but this year it’s pretty clear the winner, but after seeing Kaarija interview and performance I really hope that he gives a good battle to Loreen and wins. Difficult, but fingers crossed. Although I would like her to win, lol, I’m torn!!!….



1 year ago

Tbh, with or without the betting odds, I think most people would agree it's mostly between Sweden and Finalnd, so to me it's indifferent

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8 months ago

I totally agree that the people discussing this are batches.



1 year ago

If you put money on an entry you will vote on that enty.... so the ones with low odds, many people has put money on it, and will vote on it even if its not their favorite when the final starts. People go where the money is.....



1 year ago

I rarely look at the odds beforehand.



1 year ago

However that being said there is always a surprise outside the winner, so there’s value in Austria still (although not the 100/1 I got) and when the rehearsals start the bookies are looking at US to see our reactions and the betting will go crazy for a while. It’s still unpredictable in many ways



1 year ago

Not really. The odds favourites are usually the fan favourites as well so they kinda go together. Sweden would be the favourite this year regardless of the betting odds

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