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0143ab93_videojs8_1563605_YT_2d24ba15 licensed under gpl3-or-later
Views : 11,738
Genre: Music
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 12, 2017 ^^
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RYD date created : 2023-11-12T15:19:11.514666Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Yo will you do a track with CML, and maybe unite CML with messy Marv, or do a track with messy bar man I think you two on the same track along with that San Diego cat mitchy slick.. I promise you man I think I was a cast fella in another life bro I really think y'all need to fucking really think about doing music together, messy Mars CML and mitchy slick, all three of y'all doing an album with t nutty called second and third letter volume two??? Bro!!!! Second and third letter volume two!!!! I'm telling you man with t nutty and Goldie LΓC.. messy Marv, and CML/Lavish D ... Just literally take 20 seconds of your day and think about that album, holy fucking shit holy shit bro that album would be one of the greatest put together songs, and throw a white guy in there, two of them put roach gigs on some hype tracks and for those classic rhymes get Paul Wall in the mix bro, yeah that's the album right there.. I just took my 20 seconds just now, at that right there part and thought about it comment on telling you right now I'm telling you man I'm asking you to do this bro... Spend two solid years on that album. And to have people just absolutely hype that album because it will literally be one of the greatest albums ever put together on the west, honestly LA and Frisco should be doing music together anyways no matter what, and have no features just the people who I had suggested on that album, no features from anybody else just you four or five!
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4 years ago
My dude tray deee been out when the music coming yall got fetty on its way
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