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Views : 9,189
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Sep 16, 2023 ^^
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RYD date created : 2023-09-17T21:52:35.909411Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
What nonsense. Dont listen to this bs. Buy a house you can afford and pay it off. Save your money for things that make a difference in life. Like kids. Also if you can buy a house that suita you. You will be in there a while. Also really consider monthly payments and what you would do if you lose your jobs and are unemployed for a few months. Honestly, she is talking nonsense i am sorry to be so blunt
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It’s insane to stretch yourself financially. Just because you CAN get approved for that doesn’t mean you’re obligated to take it. Take what you need, what you can afford to repay without being crippled financially and what would be doable if one - or both - of you lost your job. Or you know, be like this girl and live a life on credit, Klarna and pretending to be something you’re not 😘
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Most people dont earn over 30,000 a year in the uk. Maybe in london. But the houses are also more expensive there. Myself and my partner earn just over 20,000 a year and have a child. We work fulltime and earn over the livingwage. We save a decent amount. Still not enough because it usually goes on the car gettong fixed or Christmas because we have large families
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Monthly payment on that will be around 2k. That's at least 50% of net income of the couple (if they both do 30k gross a year). Depending on whether they have kids, how far they have to travel, their location and other factors, it's probably not much to live on and save enough for emergencies (like broken car etc). So, all she told us is that she sucks at math.
1 year ago
Stop judging people like that. You don't know what they have been through to get to that point in their lives.
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