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Views : 49
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jun 29, 2024 ^^
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Rating : 5 (0/38 LTDR)
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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-06-29T15:25:23.968066Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Hell yes she deserves it more than any body 👅 I've ever noticed for sure there are many talented people in this world but her story gives her a connection and an edge that all of us fans love. I mean if you love her or if you hate her trust it you've heard of her before social media blew up her name was something to recognize and after the years of watching her take off I realize how connected to her I am how connected to her we all are she feels our pain feels our joy a true Christian that is how I know she is so full of good and far from finished because God has assigned her a seat and she is doing God's work through her music ,sharing her story and making a mark by affecting change thank you lady G you rock
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Absolutely! Nobody handles all types of music better! She’s in a class by herself.
I enjoy Taylor and applaud her for her ERAS tour, but Lady Gaga is the complete artist, film, jazz, standards, rock!
I think it would be great to see her on Broadway and how about singing with Taylor, that would be a kick ass moment!🌺💕🏴
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5 months ago
Gaga doesn’t need an Oscar award to be the ICON she has become - she has US holding her up! Monsters!!!!!
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