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Views : 30,338
Genre: Gaming
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Oct 18, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Even though I am a staunch Nemona apologist, I think A.I. Turo has by far the most interesting reason for fighting you in this game and possibly any Pokemon game. "I need you to defeat me to save the world, but my programming will force me to try everything to destroy you," Is just so much more compelling than, say, "I need you to destroy my organization of rulebreakers for me because they follow the rules too hard, and then I need you to fight ME even though we've been working together because I have a crushing guilt complex."
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Nothing will go harder then "You are challenged by ai turo" to "challanged by the paradise protection protocol" meta bit with the text box just hypes up the whole fight and ads the tension if you'll be able to save him. Ontop of the games acknowledging a concept from the anime, freezing the pokeball Management system, was just the most awesome fan service that immediately got me to love this whole fight. If the final moments from that fight isn't borrowed from destiny deoxys I'll eat my hat. This was the best narrative in the mainline ever
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i gotta say i have to go to bat for sada as the canon professor. my evidence: as a palaeontology fan who has spoken to many palaeontologists, everyone in that field wishes they could make a time machine and get zapped back to the past just so they can see what life was really like back then. also: it makes the departure of ai sada way more impactful knowing she will never be able to be repaired when she finally breaks down
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The whole entire Area Zero story had me on an emotional roller-coaster, especially when Arven kept calling to the robot as if it was his parent. It was sad as hell to see, and the music itself was emotional af
After looking at the leaks, idk what's hold GF back from executing the genuinely good ideas they come up with. When I heard that AZ was supposed to be the villain instead of Lysander, my jaw dropped 💀. SOMEONE or SOMETHING is holding them back from their true potential, and whether we'll get to see that with Legends ZA has yet to be seen
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People keep acting like the pokemon franchise being formulaic is a flaw, when it's mostly that they use the formula so terribly most of it blends together. Of course with so many "obligatory" things in the formula some of them are probably ending up a bit shoehorned in, but still mostly I don't think it's the problem here.
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3 months ago
The AI professor is such a double edged sword since it acts as a self aware villain not wanting but forced to be the stand in to the actual professor knowing that Arven’s actual parent died. This would be my favorite villain but (as long if you don’t cover the Loyal three) the next week’s “villain” exists.
Edit: I didn’t expect the route design of Pokémon to be a villain but okay
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