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Views : 46,016
Genre: Gaming
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Mar 21, 2024 ^^
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User score: 97.10- Overwhelmingly Positive
RYD date created : 2024-07-26T15:13:50.735048Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
There is so much nuance & complexity with AA. He still has moments of genuine vulnerability, concern, and love. He also has moments of deception and manipulation. But it all stems from his love for us turning into obsession and possessiveness, and his fear of losing us. Like boo, i sacrificed 7000 souls for you, im not going anywhere ❤
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Мне так нравится эта сцена. Он спокоен, явно откровенен. Думаю, он в дальнейшем так и будет общаться со своим консортом (за исключением моментов мимими). Так приятно видеть Астариона, который не скрывается за масками сарказма, показной сексуальности или веселья. Нет, они тоже очень хороши, но это представление для нас, а тут он...просто он.
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He's overcompensating withh his attitude because is he so insecure. Hes changed a LOT as AA but also not entirely. He's still him, just power hungry, confused, and arrogant. But he is still scared of losing Tav i think, and afraid of being/looking weak.
He is a very complex character spawn or ascended and it's a testament to rhe writing snd the acting.
Not even just the body language but rhe inflections, facial changes. So interesting
12 |
10 months ago
Why I do love this line so much. It shows that AA is interested in fulfilling all Tav's expectations, even after the rite he is still so insecure in his abilities and powers to do this, so this is why he is trying to explain himself to her.
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