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Views : 2,005,266
Genre: Science & Technology
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Apr 22, 2023 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
This is Eritrea. The man is telling the visitors that he raised the older baboons who then fathered the younger ones. Its quite common actually for wildlife to be very gentle and calm with the locals who take good care of them.
I had a whole family of baboons in my home town and they were always very gentle and friendly with me. They are also fierce protectors.
496 |
This is literally why monkeys and baboons in particular are considered such pests in a lot of countries. Because they live in a hierarchy where the least dominant must always give up their food to the most dominant, and when you feed them you’re effectively communicating that you’re less dominant than them and they will treat you accordingly.
195 |
1 year ago
Don't try this at home
Yeah bro because apparently people have baboons at home.
1.9K |