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Views : 75,461
Genre: Education
Uploaded At Sep 7, 2024 ^^
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Rating : 4.962 (29/3,039 LTDR)
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User score: 98.58- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-10-31T18:08:29.724832Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
It’s never the patron’s job to contribute to the wages of server because WE DIDN’T HIRE THEM. As long as you have a business; it’s supposed to do well enough to pay a living wage. These businesses take in thousands of dollars per day. If it doesn’t; you don’t deserve to be in business. That being said; I DO tip because I believe in showing appreciation for service.
14 |
Some smaller restaurants will take 3% out of the servers tip when customers pay with a card. I don't think it's legal most states but it doesn't stop the owners. If you're able ALWAYS tip in cash. Even when you pay with card. Your servers will appreciate it even when they aren't getting scammed by crappy owners.
2 months ago
Restaurants in the USA will hate Me for this this: "Tipping is optional, NOT mandatory. "
I never heard anyone going to jail for not tipping.
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