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Views : 55,845
Genre: Science & Technology
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jun 24, 2023 ^^
warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
Rating : 4.891 (81/2,895 LTDR)
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User score: 95.92- Overwhelmingly Positive
RYD date created : 2024-02-27T23:22:17.579953Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Strength - Steve
Speed - Jonathan
IQ - Jonathan
BIQ- Jonathan
Offense - Jonathan
Defense - Steve
Agility - Steve
Punching - Jonathan
Kicking - Jonathan
Combat- Jonathan
Stamina - Steve
AP - Jonathan
Weaponary Assault | Weapons - Jonathan
DC - Jonathan
Hax - Steve
Power - Jonathan
Offense + Defense - Jonathan
Skill - Jonathan
Winner - Jonathan Paralyze Low | Low - Mid Diff
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fax and btw strength makes sense. Those who don't understand lemme explain.
Ik it looks like jonathon is stronger but the reason why he took down steve was because of his attack potency and his Raw strength (which is power btw). Steve is a natural athlete and managed to lift and tackle jonathon on the car and throw him to the floor. But other than that jonathon wins this fight.
W edit and fire and fax. Btw I think offense and defense should be switched but overall awsome edit :)
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Physical Strength - Steve >= (1-0 )
Combat Speed | Reflex Speed - Jonathan (1-2 )
IQ | BIQ - Jonathan ( 1-4 )
Durability | Combat - Jonathan (1-6 )
Endurance | Stamina - Steve ( Endured Jonathan's Punches ) (3-6 )
Power | Abilities - Jonathan (3-8 )
Hax | Feats - Jonathan (3 .10 )
Techniques | Offense - Jonathan (3.12 )
Defense | Kicks - Steve ( 5.12 )
Punches | AP | DC - Jonathan ( 5.14 )
Skills | Scaling - Jonathan ( 5.16 )
Winner - Jonathan Slams Low - Mid Diff
Jonathan S1 vs Steve S1(prep time)
Strenght: Steve (high diff)
Durability: Jonathan ( high diff)
Endurace: Jonathan (high diff)
Atack Potency: Jonathan (high diff)
Stamina: =
Agility: Steve (mid diff)
Speed: Steve (mid high-diff
Reflex: Steve ( mid diff)
Punches: Jonathan (mid high-diff)
Kicks: Steve (extreme diff)
Offense: Jonathan (Low-mid diff)
Defence: Steve (mid diff)
Iq: Jonathan (mid diff)
Iq battle: Jonathan (high diff)
Weapons: Jonathan (mid-high diff)
Weapons skills: Steve (High-Extreme diff)
Hax: Jonathan (high diff)
Jonathan wins (High Extreme-diff)
Strength: Jonathan 1-0
Durability: Steve 1-1 (Debatable)
Agility: Steve 1-2
Speed: Steve 1-3
Iq: Jonathan 2-3
Battle iq: Steve 2-4
Technique: Steve 2-5
Combat skills: Steve 2-6
Stamina: Jonathan 3-6
Offense: Jonathan 4-6
Defense: Jonathan 5-6
Endurance: Jonathan 6-6
Combat + AP: Jonathan 8-6
Jonathan Wins Mid Diff
1 year ago
Super ultra nega cap!! S3 Miguel wins low-no diff!!
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